Sunday 24 June 2012

Pancake Breakfast

When I am home at weekend, my Wife always wakes up and the first thing she asks is "What is for breakfast?" As I had used the last of the bacon yesterday, I thought lets use some of the most basic ingredients every kitchen should have and have pancakes.

I was once walking round Tesco's and was staggered to see pre-packaged pancake mix. Staggered why?
  • Pancakes are the easiest things in the world made from pure base ingredients
  • Pre-packaged pancake mix comes in plastic bottles - not good for the environment
  • They cost more than making your own
So I decided that today's blog would go right back to basics and demonstrate how to make great pancakes.

Cost: Approx   £1.11p for 8 large pancakes (or more depending on size of pan)


  • 2 Eggs Free Range
  • 1 pint of milk
  • 200g plain flour
  • pinch of salt

  • In a large bowl sieve the flour and salt
  • Add the eggs and blend into the flour with a wooden spoon
  • Gradually add the milk stirring so as not to get lumps (the trick is to add the milk a bit at a time)
  • Whisk well when all the milk is added
  • Lightly grease a frying pan on a high heat, when it is smoking pour in enough batter to just cover the base of the pan
  • The pancake is ready to turn when it is easily released from the bottom of the pan
  • Turn and cook the other side for a few seconds
  • Serve with topping of your choice
The basic ingredients

The mixed batter

Cooking one side of the pancake

Cooking the other side

The finished delicious pancake

Enjoy !

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