Saturday 23 June 2012

Saturday Morning Breakfast - Simple is always best

Well it is Saturday morning, and what better way to start the day with a simple lovely breakfast to get us ready for the day ahead. We are not great breakfast eaters so Saturday is the only real day we have a hearty breakfast.

What you will find about the food on this blog is that it is not fancy or difficult, but good home cooking that anyone can do, with good, cheap ingredients.

Cost per person: approx 90p

Ingredients per person:

3 rashes of bacon
1 free range egg
Slice of bread - one slice of two day old homemade bread
Olive oil/butter for frying
Course ground black pepper


Note - For simple recipes such as this I am not going to detail the in-depth instructions

Grill the bacon
Fry the bread in a frying pan with olive oil/butter
Fry the egg
sprinkle with black pepper

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