Wednesday 27 June 2012

Smoked Kippers

We are having some beautiful Scottish smoked kippers tonight, on homemade toasted bread with poached eggs and cold savoury rice. This is a very cheap meal, but delicious meal. So here is tonight's recipe.

Cost - approx £1.00 per person
Serves 2
 For the kippers:
  • 2 Smoked kippers
  • 1 TBLSP of plain flour
  • 1 TBLSP of butter
  • Pepper to taste
For the poached eggs:
  • 1 TBLSP of vinegar
  • 2 Eggs
For the bread:
  • 2 slices of thick bread
  • Butter

For the savoury rice:
  • 100g of long grain rice
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • Two tablespoons of oil
  • One clove of garlic, chopped finely
  • 5 closed cup mushrooms - wiped clean and finely chopped
  • One vegetable stock cube
  • Pepper to taste *
  • 300 ml boiling water **
  • Pinch of turmeric
* Note I have not included salt and this will come from the stock cube
** You may need more water, just keep adding a small bit at a time if you do

Method for Savoury Rice

Ingredients for the savoury rice
  • In a pan give the rice a quick wash and drain
  • Add the water, turmeric and vegetable stock cube to the pan
  • Place the pan on a medium heat, with the lid on, stirring once in a while
  • When the water is bubbling, move the rice to the lowest heat possible and cook
  • Keep a check on the water and top up if required, you are looking for the rice to be soft and the water absorbed
  • Whilst the rice is cooking, gently fry the onions, garlic until very soft and translucent about 5 minutes, do not let them brown
The fried onion, garlic and mushrooms

  • Add the chopped mushrooms and cook for another 5 minutes
  • When the rice is ready, add the fried onions, garlic and mushrooms to the rice and stir well, season with pepper
  • Now the trick is to cool the rice quickly for food safety reasons. Place the rice mix in a large bowl and set aside for 10 minutes, turning every few minutes
  • Place the rice in the fridge
The finished savoury rice

Method for the kippers
  • Add the flour and the pepper to a bowl and mix well
  • Dredge the kippers in the flour on both sides
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the kippers to your preference *
*We like ours very well done

Method for the poached egg
  • Whilst the kippers are cooking, bring a small pan of water to a rolling boil
  • Add the vinegar and turn the pan down to simmering
  • Add the eggs
  • Cook for 3 minutes
  • Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper
  • Whilst the eggs are cooking toast the bread and then butter
The eggs poaching
Finally assemble the meal and enjoy. Note. Before serving the chilled rice, get a knife or fork and gently separate the grains by tuning it through the rice as the grains will have stuck together during chilling.

The final meal

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